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It’s been very quiet around here. So quiet I can hear a pin drop. Poink. Poink. Although Grubarazzi has been flying under the radar, my life is full of wonderful things and exciting developments. And real life stress.

Let’s recap.

The list of wonderful things and exciting developments:

My kitchen is shiny and new. I spent one year scrupulously redesigning the awkward space/layout that was my 1984 kitchen. For two months I searched high and low for a custom kitchen designer willing and able to work with my design, and three months completely gutting and renovating it. I have so many posts regarding the kitchen remodel process that I will be creating a new section on the blog solely for that. Stay tuned!

A preview:

I am now a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University, and it has been a nerve-wracking yet exciting process. I am working towards my MA in communication with a concentration in digital communication. It’s a perfect fit. I couldn't be happier.

I have a new niece! She’s so beautiful. Her name is Eleanora. Right now, she's a milk monster and her mom (below) dresses her in the cutest clothes. I can't wait to cook and play with her in the kitchen.

So, there you have it folks! I’m sure you can imagine how demanding number 1 and number 2 have been on top of my full time job. Number 3 is just the cutest. I miss creating and sharing with you. I’m back, and I’ll be talking a lot about kitchen design, working with contractors, project management ideas, DIY projects, and how wonderful it is to cook again.




  1. Congrats on everything! The kitchen looks fabulous and Johns Hopkins is an amazing accomplishment. Cheers to 2015!

  2. Your time spent redesigning your kitchen looks well worth it. Have fun. And also have fun with your graduate school. And I know for sure, you'll have fun with your niece. Beautiful name!


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