Silence is the best medicine. It especially helps to alleviate recent events in my life. For instance, silence treats the death of a loved one, the death of an oven, a sprained ankle, the flu, and major car problems. When life throws lemons at you like an All-Star pitcher, sit back and catch them like a pro. Park yourself in a comfy place surrounded by cute animals, Uggs, dirty tissues, Nyquil, and Bon Appétit until the lemon storm subsides. Then get up, shake off the dust, possibly take a shower, and make a bowl of this soup. Chickpea soup with kale and prosciutto crumble was inspired by an article I read in the Bon Appétit magazine while bundled up during said flu pandemic. I changed a few ingredients but the spirit of the soup is the same. It is simple, filling, and slightly tart from the aged white wine vinegar. The acidity of the soup is perfectly balanced by salty crumbles of roasted kale and prosciutto. If you love kale chips then you will love the to...