Some people dream of being President. Other people dream of saving the world. My dream: To have nonstop access to chocolate all day and all night. I’m not proud of this. I should really want more out of life. But I lose a mass of brain cells and lots of stamina when chocolate is around, especially these brownies. Avocado Brownies with Chocolate Glaze look and taste like fudge made with lots of butter. But guess what! There is no butter. Not a trace. And they are gluten free. True story. Make these and you’ll give up that dream of being President one day. Who has time to save the world when you have a dozen brownies to eat? Avocado Brownies with Chocolate Glaze Inspired by Dr. Oz Time in Kitchen: 45 minutes Servings: 12 (or 6 large brownies) Ingredients: 4 eggs ½ cup white sugar ½ cup light brown sugar 10 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted 1/2 cup cacao powder 1/2 cup rice flour (or almond flour) 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ...